Integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion considerations across policies and processes is essential to build resilient and inclusive supply chains. Supply chain management systems that do not consider everyone’s needs and value all individuals may cause harm to both people and businesses.
Companies can foster more diverse and inclusive working environments across their supply chain. This resource hub aims to centralize and share the different tools BSR has developed to help companies and organizations integrate diversity, equity and inclusion into their supplier management systems and approaches. For futher information, please contact us.
Gender Equality in Codes of Conduct
Gender Equality in Social Audits

Are you Ready to Incorporate Gender into your Supply Chain Due Diligence?
New gender-sensitive auditing guidance provides recommendations, practical advice, and relevant examples on how to effectively integrate gender considerations into audits.

Gender Equality in Social Auditing Guidance
This guidance identifies improvements required for gender-sensitive social auditing and provides recommendations, practical advice, and relevant examples on how to effectively integrate gender considerations into audits. The development of this resource was sponsored by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Gender Equality in Supply Chain Due Diligence

Making Data Work for Women
BSR is proud to lead a major new initiative to develop a gender data framework for global supply chains.

Harnessing the Power of Data in Supply Chains: Making Women Workers Count and Be Counted
How can companies conduct more gender-responsive due diligence approaches, and what role does gender-disaggregated data play in this? This is the question that BSR’s Making Women Workers Count: Conducting Gender-Responsive Due Diligence in Supply Chains sets out to address.

Making Women Workers Count: A Framework for Conducting Gender Responsive Due Diligence in Supply Chains
This guidance provides recommendations on how to integrate a gender dimension to due diligences and identifies a set of indicators to be used to measure outcomes for workers. The development of this resource was sponsored by the C&A Foundation.
Respect, Diversity, and Inclusion in Supply Chains

Respect and Inclusion, An Introduction for Global Supply Chains
In partnership with Ralph Lauren, BSR developed an interactive e-learning training module to help companies and brands start conversations on respect, diversity and inclusion with leadership and managers of suppliers. The e-learning, available in English, Spanish, Hindi, and Vietnamese, introduces key concepts including diversity, inclusion, and unconscious bias. The training includes regional case studies that portray potential issues that may arise in factories.
Please note: The content should be carefully reviewed before sharing with suppliers to ensure the audience is receptive of issues presented.
Case Studies and Reports

Women in the Luxury Supply Chain—A Focus on Italy
This report sheds light on the status and challenges faced by women workers in Italy, particularly those working in the luxury sector, and identifies areas of intervention with practical recommendations on actionable next steps.

Women in the Jewelry Supply Chain: Landscape Review of Barriers to Women’s Economic Empowerment
Explores the role of women in the jewelry supply chain and the challenges they face to their well-being and advancement.

Challenges and Opportunities for Gender Equality in a European Luxury Supply Chain
While women are vital to the Italian luxury sector, gender inequality throughout the supply chain still impacts them in the short- and long-term. However, both brands and suppliers are well placed to lead efforts towards improved gender equality in Italy, in both supply chains and in the country’s overall sociocultural context.